is a privately owned website and is not associated with any government agencies.

Spokeo vs Instant Checkmate Comparison

Spokeo and Instant Checkmate serve similar purposes by offering background check services that aggregate public records and social media information to provide insights about individuals.


Spokeo focuses more on aggregating social media profiles, email addresses, and various public records to compile a broad overview of an individual’s digital footprint. Its strength lies in consolidating contact information and social media accounts, making it particularly useful for finding lost connections or verifying online identities. The platform is designed with a user-friendly interface, emphasizing ease of use for casual searchers rather than deep investigative needs.

Spokeo Search Results

Instant Checkmate dives deeper into public records, offering detailed reports that include criminal records, financial information, and more. This service caters to users requiring comprehensive background checks, such as those conducted before dates, on potential roommates, or for investigating personal safety concerns. Instant Checkmate’s reports are exhaustive, covering court records, past addresses, and even registered weapons, which makes it more suited for in-depth background checks rather than casual searches.

Data Sources

The difference also lies in their data aggregation techniques. Spokeo leverages a wide array of social networking sites and public databases to compile its information, prioritizing breadth over depth. Instant Checkmate utilizes a more sophisticated approach to data mining, focusing on deep dives into public records and criminal databases to furnish a detailed profile of an individual’s background.


Pricing models also distinguish the two services. Spokeo often offers a more affordable subscription model aimed at users who need basic search functionalities. They also offer a free trial for as little as $0.95. Instant Checkmate tends to be more expensive and more difficult to cancel.

Search Anyone for Free

Search and Verify Just About Anyone

Ease of Use

The user experience varies between the two platforms. Spokeo’s interface is designed to be intuitive and straightforward, facilitating quick searches with minimal effort. Instant Checkmate, due to the complexity and volume of the data it handles, requires a more detailed search process, which might be more cumbersome but is necessary for the level of detail it delivers.


The biggest difference between Spokeo and Instant Checkmate is its reputation and history of legal encounters. Instant Checkmate was fined twice by the FTC for violating the Free Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). They were fined in 2014 and again in 2023.

Instant Checkmate FTC Lawsuit from 2014


Due to Instant Checkmate’s unethical practices and fines by the FTC, we can not recommend their service to anyone. The clear winner when comparing the two is Spokeo.

Comparison Table

Feature Spokeo Instant Checkmate
Primary Focus Aggregating social media profiles, email addresses, and public records for a broad overview. Detailed public records search including criminal records, financial information, and more.
Strength Consolidating contact information and social media accounts. Providing exhaustive reports covering court records, past addresses, and registered weapons.
User Interface User-friendly, designed for ease of use and quick searches. More detailed search process, reflecting the depth of information provided.
Data Aggregation Techniques Leverages a wide array of social networking sites and public databases, prioritizing breadth. Focuses on deep dives into public records and criminal databases for detailed profiles.
Pricing Model More affordable subscription model aimed at basic search functionalities. Tends to be more expensive, reflecting the comprehensive nature of reports.
Target Audience Users requiring basic search functionalities, such as finding lost connections or verifying identities. Users requiring comprehensive background checks, such as for safety investigations or in-depth research.
Reputation Great Very Poor
Recommended Yes No